Lua Assertion
Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight scripting language. Overload comes with lua embedded. Users can write complex logic to verify request/response and expose results through metrics. The embedded engine provides functions to parse JSON.
Lua assertion requires following conventions -
- Supported lua version: 5.3
- Lua chunks must be a function
- The function accepts 4 arguments in following order
- HTTP method
- Request Body (String)
- Response Body (String)
- The function must return assertion failure as an array of assertion results
Note that, uncaught lua exceptions will be reported in metrics with assertion_id = 2147483647. The details of the error can be found in application info log.
Writing simple assertion
Writing Lua function
The following chunks will verify the request method.
function(method, url, requestBody, responseBody)
-- initialize assertion result
result = {}
-- verify http method
if method ~= 'POST' then
-- create new assertion result
local err = {}
-- used for metrics, should avoid duplicate values in the same assertion = 1
err.success = false
err.error = 'Invalid method'
-- add to result
table.insert(result, err)
return result
Assertion Result
Overload transforms the array returned from lua function to an array. Each array element needs to be a table with following keys -
field | Description | data type |
id | Assertion identifier, used in metrics | uint32 |
success | Was the the assertion successful | boolean |
error | Requires for failed cases - a detail error message | String |
Test request with the lua function
Lua is included in the test request as an array of strings.
extern crate overload_http;
extern crate serde_json;
use overload_http::Request;
let req = r###"
"duration": 10,
"name": "test-assertion",
"qps": {
"ConstantRate": {
"countPerSec": 3
"req": {
"RequestList": {
"data": [
"method": "POST",
"url": "/anything",
"headers": {
"Host": "",
"body": "{\"keys\":[\"0001\",\"0002\",\"0004\"]}"
"target": {
"host": "",
"port": 80,
"protocol": "HTTP"
"concurrentConnection": {
"ConstantRate": {
"countPerSec": 3
"responseAssertion": {
"luaAssertion": [
"function(method, url, requestBody, responseBody)",
" -- initialize assertion result",
" result = {}",
" -- verify http method",
" if method ~= 'POST' then",
" -- create new assertion result",
" local err = {}",
" -- used for metrics, should avoid duplicate values in the same assertion",
" = 1",
" err.success = false",
" err.error = 'Invalid method'",
" -- add to result",
" table.insert(result, err)",
" end",
" return result",
let result = serde_json::from_str::<Request>(req);