
Get requests from a CSV file. File has to be uploaded separately before the test. Upload request returns name/id of the file to be used in the test request.

fieldDescriptiondata type
file_nameID of the uploaded fileUUID

Note that, application doesn't split file, instead distribute whole file with secondary nodes. The nodes picks up requests randomly from the file.


extern crate overload_http;
extern crate serde_json;
use overload_http::Request;
let req = r###"
  "duration": 3,
  "req": {
    "RequestFile": {
      "file_name": "4e1d1b32-0f1e-4b31-92dd-66f51c5acf9a"
  "qps": {
    "ConstantRate": {
      "countPerSec": 8
  "target": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 80,
    "protocol": "HTTP"
let result = serde_json::from_str::<Request>(req);